
We are a generous, relaxed and inspiring church community in the Mitcham Hills area of Adelaide, South Australia. As a faith community of the Uniting Church, we welcome people from all backgrounds, beliefs and ages to share with us as we engage with the life changing news of the gospel.

We gather each Sunday at 10:30am in the hall at 560 Goodwood Road, Daw Park, in the Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church building. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for our latest news and event updates.

Our Core Values 

declare jesus is lord

We believe that Jesus is not only the most influential person in human history, but he is the Son of God and Lord of all. 

 Engage with the bible for life change 

The Bible is inspired by God and contains truth, wisdom and beauty that can change our lives.


Following the example of Jesus, we believe God calls us to a life focused on those around us.


God not only calls all of us into relationship with him, but also into meaningful relationships with others.

 empower people to lead

We want to be a church that equips and supports people to lead in their homes, workplaces, communities and church.