Videos of Recent messages- 2023



Mitcham Hills Church gathers in person on Sunday mornings.

If you miss a message or would prefer to listen to messages online, you can watch them here or visit our YouTube channel.

december 10

Graham brings a message this week on ‘Simplifying life to just one thing’

december 3

Friend of MHC Mark Elford brings the message on ‘Sealed’

November 26

Craig brings the message on ‘My Soul Magnifies the Lord’

November 12

Ran brings a word on ‘setting our hearts to seek God’.

November 5

Cullen spoke about living a good life and our source of energy to do this is Jesus.

October 29

Lessons from the donkey.

October 22

A world in need - what can we do?

October 15

Rach looks at ‘What we need right now’

October 8

Straight from the Heart- God’s guidance when making decisions

September 24

Georgi brings a message on ‘Language we speak- watch your mouth’.

September 17

3 things we know God wants us to do - Be Joyful, Prayerful, Thankful.

September 10

God as a Father

Craig brings a message about responding to God as Father.

September 3

God as a Father

When Jesus encouraged his followers to call God their Heavenly Father it opened up a new idea about who God is. This has profound implications for how we see God and relate to him.

August 27

Rachel looks at the Unwavering love of Jesus for us.

August 20

Unshakable - staying unshakable when the inevitable tough times come.

August 13

Unthinkable Part 2 - Jesus Wept Jesus wept. For people in the middle of pain and grief but even more so when they turned away from Him. We have the opportunity to intentionally move closer to Him and care deeply for those grieving or in pain.

August 6

Unthinkable - How God moves us beyond what we think is possible

July 23

Georgi encourages us to ‘keep going’ in the midst of adversity’.

July 16

Graham brings a message on ‘Preparing for Life’s Tests’

July 9

Ran looks at our Work-life balance. Looking at the impact of Christ's resurrection on our working lives now and in God’s future for us.?  Living without complaining.

July 2

Whine or Shine?  Living without complaining

June 25

Craig concludes our Kingdom series: How to live a kingdom life.

June 18

Cullen continued our theme on the Kingdom of God, with how the little things we do can be big things for the Kingdom.

June 4

Scott continues our Kingdom series with ‘Living as a Kingdom person’

May 28

Craig continues part 3 of ‘What on earth is the Kingdom?’

May 21

Craig continues the theme with part 2 of ‘What on earth is the Kingdom?’

May 14

A friend of MHC, Cheryl McCallum shares this Mother’s Day on Hannah, a woman of favour.

May 7

These days the idea of a ruling King seems out of date, maybe even old fashioned and if we want a King at all we want them distant and uninvolved in our lives. Jesus claimed to be a King.., but a completely different type of King. What does this mean for us and how do we respond?

APril 23

Taking a Risk in Prayer

APril 16

Easter: ‘So what do we do now?’

APril 9- Easter Sunday

Head to Heart - 6 words from God to you at Easter.

APril 2

Steph Tai, friend of MHC brings the message on,’ No Ordinary King’ this Palm Sunday.

March 26

Being fully awake to see who God is.

March 19

Georgi explores the essence of Christian grace is the giving of a gift that was not earned by us, but earned through the sacrifice of the giver.

March 5

Who are you following? Thinking about what we are making with our lives.

February 26

Living your legacy, what are you leaving for the next generation?

February 19

What does it mean to be ‘worthy’?

February 12

Blind spots - how we find them and then what do we do? - Cullen Bailey

February 5

Scott looks at how this next chapter, ‘chapter 2’ of your life can be impacted by a relationship with God.

January 29

A different ending for 2023 - Graham Humphris.

January 22

Welcome to 2023. Craig talks on ‘Why Church?’ and gives us four reasons why we do church.